среда, 3 ноября 2010 г.

landstream by Olga Kiseleva

Landstream visualizes the flux produced by communication technologies, the invisible signals which cross through us, and of which we are, most of the time, completely unaware. A programme analyses the flux running through a space, and transforms the data into visual information which generates a new kind of abstract landscape. Landstream makes us aware of the increasing electromagnetic pollution around us, caused in particular by the multiplication of waves in our environment.




вторник, 2 ноября 2010 г.

Dan Graham

Dan Graham (March 31, 1942, Urbana, Illinois) is a conceptual artist now working out of New York City. He is an influential figure in the field of contemporary art, both a practitioner of conceptual art and an art critic and theorist. His art career began in 1964 when he moved to New York and opened the John Daniels Gallery. Graham’s artistic talents have wide variety. His artistic fields consist of film, video, performance, photography, architectural models, and glass and mirror structure. Graham especially focuses on the relationship between his artwork and the viewer in his pieces. Graham made a name for himself in the 1980s as an architect of conceptual glass and mirrored pavilions.


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